Serving our community, our nation and our world.
Grace believes serving is acting out God's love in the world.
Our church exists to serve.
Local Missions

Grace Cares
Grace Cares ministers to our community neighbors who need financial help with utilities and who need food. This mission is funded by donations and gifts from the congregation. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Thursday Only
8:15 am - 11:30am

Bob & Kristi Rice
Grace supports Bob and Kristi Rice as they seek to empower and encourage the churches in South Sudan in living out the gospel and ministering to their communities.
Operation Christmas Child
Each November in partnership with Samaritan's Purse, Grace packs shoe boxes with simple gifts and sends them off with prayer to countries throughout the world. Each shoe box is a part of Operation Christmas Child and allows Grace to proclaim the Gospel around the world.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Fund
Grace helps sustain the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Fund which cares for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.